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WILLIAM H. FOOSE The daughter of Samuel and Sarah J.
10-year-old son of Daniel and Hoskins, she died May 17, 1853, at the
20, 1851. age of 1 year, 4 mos., and 18 days.
Torrey, died March 9, 1859,
to marker at left. The marker
is for his three sons: Albert G.,
:tied Aug. 22, 1844; Samuel B.,
July 30, 1849; and Solon P.,
ed Aug. 25, 1851.
Walter Brooke and Thos. Jennings,
were twin sons of James M. and Harriet
A. Haynes. The infants, born Oct. 4,
1849, died respectively on Oct. 6, 1849,
and July 7, 1851.
Fellows Cemetery Capt. Nichols, an eminent architect of
imgton came about after the Jackson, was the architect for the Mis-
of the B.S. Tappen Odd Fel- sissippi Capitol, the Governor's Man-
No. 22 that was chartered sion, the State prison, buildings on the
lin on April 10, 1849. Oxford campus of the University of
Fellows organization was Mississippi and many other private
for beginning cemeteries, buildings, as well as the North Carolina
14, 1850, the B.S. Tappan Capi[ol at Raleigh, and of the Alabama
No. 22 bought a building on the Capitol.
the Town of Lexington from He was the architect for the Holmes
!l'l.F~tsandhiswifelndianaE.County Courthouse which was
M. McLean, Joseph N. Spen- destroyed by fire in 1893, and the at-
Abner V. Rowe are shown to chitect of Lexington Normal College,
of the Lodge in a deed and the J.M. Dyer home, which later
1851. was the home of a school which was
problem is that we could called "Terrystone."
the deed setting out the land
What we do have is Mayors of Lexington who are listed
as being buried at Odd Fellows include:
Persons being buried at the site Abner V. Rowe, who was also Lexing-
~Oldest recorded in L.L. McNees' ton's second postmaster serving from
~eeyRecord llolmesCounty Mis- 1836-1838; William Lansdale Dyer,
• • ' ' who served a number of years - 1882-
~P~ ~s that of Robert J., son of L.
~,.1... Ray, died June 8, 1843 at the 83, 1886-87, 1906-1910 and 1912-18;
~I'1 year, 5 nms. and 8 days. Capt. John S. Hoskins; Capt. Cass
.~ther child was buried here after Oltenburg; George W. Shackleford;
J.W. Stone; Oscar F. Hosea; J. Simeon
teath o e t
n S p. 24 1846. She was
' Stigler; H.S. Hooker; and H.S. Hooker,
l Ann Dyson, age 1 year, 5 mos.
days the daughter of W.H. and JrA couple of interesting highlights of
\A. Dyson.
the Lexington cemetery include: a
tlter Brooke Haynes, one of twin marker for Jim Eddie, son of J.G. and
~f James M. and Harriet A.
M.G. Hall. His epitaph reads, "killed by
was also buried before 1850.
the falling of a slab in this yard."
on Oct. 4, 1849.
His monument is also shared by his
ton cemetery grounds ac- mother, Mary G. Hall, who had died
cemeteries in
just over 10 months prior to Jim Eddie.
/" It appears he may have been visiting
there was one cemetery his mother's grave site when he was
by the Odd Fellows organiza- killed.
1902, J.H. and F.M. Wat- A grave that drew national media at-
land adjacent to the Odd tention in 1983 is that of the "Lady in
~'s Cemetery to I. Flowers, Red."
t-lyman, Sam Herrman, Morris In 1969, work was taking place at
Abe Herrman, Sol Auerback,Egypt Plantation at Cruger, when a
Sher and H.A. Rosenthal asbackhoe accidentally unearthed a cas-
Hebrew Cemetery. ket made of cast iron and glass.
deed book in the Chancery The unknown lady inside had been
Office also has a map of the sealed inside a clear liquid, probably al-
it is referred to on the map as cohol, beneath half-inch glass.
Vish Cemetery. The land was The remains were that of a perfectly
51 lots. preserved face and body of a young
of the more famous personswoman who is believed to have been
to 1900 include Otho W. dead since the late 1830s-early 1840s,
Oct. 15, 1794 in Franklin according to her clothing.
He died in Lexington on She was clad in a red velvet brocade
1866. dress with a white lace collar. She had
had moved to Yazoo white gloves on her hands and stylish
~n 1822, and when Holmes black boots on her feet.
formed from Yazoo, he be- J.T. "Tol" Thomas, III, and his
County's first sheriff. Hesister, Steele Hardeman, who co-own
beth gave 30 acres of the land on which the body was found,
the site of Lexington. some time later had her remains moved
• William Nichols is probably from Egypt Plantation to Odd Fellows.
t)st widely renowned person They ordered a simple granite
t Odd Fellows. tombstone with four lines cut into the
of Bath, England, he died at granite: "LADY IN RED FOUND ON
Dec. 12, 1853. EGYPT PLANTATION 1835-1969."
by Ernle Flint
Area Agent/Agriculture
Some people say that on a quiet night
you can "hear" corn growing. If you
think this is just an old story, go out
into a big field on a hot humid night
and listen. Go out so deep into the field
that there is at least a quarter mile of
corn in every direction surrounding
You will find yourself in a special
setting made of em'th, air, corn, and
little else. If there is no wind, there
should be no reason for any sound, but
listen and you will hear a quiet crack-
ling sound all around you.
The sound comes from millions of
corn plants stretching, twisting, and ex-
panding. You are listening to the corn
growing, a process that is the greatest
renewal of food in America. This pro-
cess affects every part of American life.
(From Native Inheritance, The Story of
Corn in America by H. T. Walden, II).
When Christopher Columbus came to
the New World in 1492, he was looking
for gold. He certainly did not know that
when he discovered native corn grow-
ing on the island we now call Cuba, he
had found something that was the color
of the metal he sought, but much more
Prior to the voyages of Columbus, the
most advanced Indian civilizations
were tied to the cultivation of corn.
Since that time, however, many of the
secrets of corn have been unlocked by
science. Early corn did well to yield
around five to ten bushels of grain per
acre. Yields today are commonly twen-
ty times higher than at that time.
Record yields have exceeded three hun-
dred bushels per acre.
There's much more than meets the
eye in a field of corn. A cornfield can
be considered as a manufacturing com-
munity with thousands of efficient fac-
tories per acre. The raw materials are
water and mineral nutrients from the
soil and carbon dioxide and oxygen
from the air.
Unlike cotton and soybeans which
are referred to as "C3" plants, corn is a
"C4" plant. In everyday terms this
means that corn has an "overdrive
gear", enabling it to assimilate sugars
and proteins much faster than its slower
counterparts. If corn plants could hear
environmentalists today talking about
rising carbon dioxide levels and the
"greenhouse effect", they would smile
because they gulp carbon dioxide in
prodigious quantities.
The internal machinery that converts
the raw materials into grain is powered
by sunlight. The product consists of
carbohydrates, proteins, and oils. Dif-
ferences in growth and yield among
various varieties are the result of dif-
ferences in efficiency.
The overall concept of corn produc-
tion is that raw materials and sunlight
combine to produce yield. This means
that yield is a result of the plant's ge-
netic potential to perform with the en-
vironmental conditions under which the
plant is grown.
The primary limiting factor for corn
yield is water availability. All the other
factors can be optimal, but when water
becomes limited, it has a direct in-
fluence on grain production. Most
fields in the area are either in or nearing
the silking stage, which is the time
when water demand is highest.
Even though daytime temperatures
are currently in the low to mid nineties,
night temperatures have generally
dropped into the seventies. This is a
Toliver dies after
• i~i¸ : :~i
Holmes County farmers have planted thousands of acres of corn this year on land previously used for cotton. Why the
switch? It was purely economics that enticed most of the corn planting. The cost of growing cotton and the low yields has
caused many local farmers to show a loss of the past three years. Another factor is the new flexibility in government
regulations that allow the farmer to plant whatever crop he or she wishes to plant.
storage bins full. Our yields will likely
be very good, but the likelihood of
widespread yields in the lO0 to t80
bushel range is remote.
Even if yields only reach 100 bushels
per acre, we are literally going to have
corn ears coming out our "ears". Most
of the storage we have was built during
the soybean boom of the seventies and
eighties. Soybeans in agood year yield
around 30 bushels per a~re, and we are
facing the harvest of a\crop yielding
three times that volume per acre. It
could get very interesting.
Furthermore, corn normally requires
at least some drying before it will store
well. Our elevators do have some
drying capacity, but not nearly enough.
As a result, farmers will have to allow
corn to field dry for around two extra
weeks past the time they could have
harvested the crop. This is a risky time
since the crop will be open to damage
from weather and wildlife.
At least one farmer has told me that
having to worry about how to handle a
bumper crop is something he is looking
forward to. He is absolutely right. This
will be a challenge, but we will find a
way to do it.
All of us who have grown up in the
South are used to the world turning
definite advantage for corn because it years have Mississippi, Arkansas, and
can "rest" at night rather than having t~ Louisiana significantly increased corn
further deplete moisture for cooling, acreage. Since 1983, Mississippi has
Hot nights force corn plants to use part increased corn acreage from 55,000
of the yield potential in respiration, acres to an estimated 550,000 acres this
whereas cooler temperatures lessen year, a tenfold jump in 13 years. Yields
respiration, allowing yield to be higher, have increased from 64 bushels per
Much of the area has received rain in acre to a 102 bushels per acre statewide
the last two weeks, but there are some average during that same period.
- spots that are suffering for water at this A common question among the gen-
time. Corn needs around 60 centimeters eral public is "why are they planting all
(27 inches) of water in order to produce this corn?" There are several reasons.
optimum yield. I know what you are The main ones are economic. Three or
saying right now; it hasn't rained that more years of low cotton yields and
much. Well, it doesn't have to since high production costs, combined with
much of that amount is carried into the corn prices higher than they have been
spring as stored soil moisture from the in my lifetime have been the driving
winter, forces. Flexibility in government
Thank goodness, we went into this regulations has also been very impor-
crop with a good level of soil moisture, tant. Few farmers will mention the need
We have received a fair amount of rain to rotate crops on their land, but they
until the past few days, but we are at a are all aware it's a good practice. The
critical point. The 10 day period that good corn prices have just given them
follows silking is the most important the opportunity to rotate after many
since during this time pollination oc- many years of continuous cotton.
curs, and grain formation begins.
Farmers ask how much rain is needed Another very real reason many farm-
to finish the crop. There really is no ers went to corn in 1996 is that they
good answer; it "'depends". Factors in- were concerned about a recurrence of
elude soil type, rooting depth~ daytime the destructive insect problems they
temperature, night temperature, wind saw in 1995. This is very real when you
velocity, sunlight intensity and dura- consider that in 1995, fields that often
tion, and others. It's complex, but the produce 800 to 1000 pound lint cotton
fact is that unless irrigation is available, yields did not vield enough to pay for
we have to go with what we get. the picker to harvest the crop.
The southeastern states have been In reality, corn very rarely yields at
referred to as the "second corn belt", its maximum potential. If it did, we
The Carolinas, Kentucky, Georgia, would not be seeing large acreages of
Tennessee, and Alabama grow large corn in this area because the mid-
acreages of corn. Only the past few western states would have all the
white in the fall with the cotton harvest.[
There will hopefully still be plenty of[
white around, but to go along with it!
will be the gold of com. Lets hope and [
pray there will be lots of real gold that [
will go into our farmers pockets this'|
fall. [
being hit by car
Wilbur Toliver, Jr,, age 56 of
Ebenezer, died Saturday, June 22 after
being run over by an automobile some
time after 3 a.m., according to Sheriff
Willie March.
March reported a call came in stating
that a man was lying in the road near
the intersection of the Ebenezer-
Pickens Road at Ebenezer.
The party calling had driven around
the man, not knowing whether he was
alive or dead, and then called the
Holmes County Sheriff's Office.
When the deputy arrived, the two
people who had seen the man in the
road showed the deputy where he was
lying. The deputy discoverd he had
been struck by a car and was dead.
A short time later a female arrived
The deadlines for the tlerald's July 4
issue will be as follows:
Social events and calendar items -
Friday noon, June 28;
Legal and other advertising - Monday
noon, July 1.
The Herald office will be closed on
Wednesday and Thursday, July 3 and 4.
with family members at the scene. She straddle the man with her car, hoping marks on the body proved her state- ;
said she had seen the man lying in the not to hit him. ment to be true. .
road, but too late to go around him. Sheriff March said Dr. Steve Haynes, Toliver was hit one time by a vehtcle, .~
She reported that she could only the state medical examiner, said the and his death was ruled an accident.
The new officers and directors of/.he Lexington Rotary Club were installed during the regular meeting on Tuesday, June 25.
Shown from left are: David Stotts, secretary/treasurer; Mike Rosamond, director; Max Yates, vice president; Dick Temple,
president; Dale VanNess, director; and Oliver Harris, sergeant at arms. Not shown is Edward Sanders, director.